
Nieuwsarchief - 2002

Kleine opmerking: Ik ben op het moment druk aan het werk aan de nieuwe site. Ik wil de site echter niet helemaal offline halen, dus je kunt alles nog gewoon bekijken. Maar de werkzaamheden kunnen er wel voor zorgen dat sommige pagina's er een beetje raar uitzien. Het zal niet heel lang meer duren. Happy

We have been listening to the feedback posted by users on the BBS and we have created a patch which is almost ready.

Go To Patch Details

Thank You to everyone that showed up for our developer chat with SimCity 4 Producer, Frank Simon. We have posted the transcripts from this event at for those that were unable to be there.

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St. Andrews has nothing on Sid Meier! This is an original Sid-designed championship links course complete with everything from pubs to castles, and Stonehenge!

Download Sid's 'Missing Links' course now!
Download the Sid pro-golfer to play on the course!

Please join us today at 3 P.M. (PST) to chat with SimCity 4 Producer Frank Simon. Get there early to submit your questions.

Go To Chat

If you haven't seen the hilarious Unleashed TV commercial, now is your chance. Check it out in the About Unleashed Section.

Go To About Unleashed

Lots of news for SimCity 4 fans! More screenshots, a new desktop image, and a scheduled chat event have all been added to

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Now you can add a little French style to your neighborhood with this beautiful French Column. No need to own Unleashed, this beautiful object works with The Sims 1.0.

Download French Column (100 Kb)

Please join us on Thursday, October 24th at 3 P.M. (PST) to chat with SimCity 4 Producer Frank Simon. Get there early to submit your questions.

Go To Chat and have posted lots of new sceenshots, renders and a preview from the upcoming PS2 version of The Sims.

Go To Preview
Go To Screenshots
Go To Screenshots

Scenic vistas, airports at night, and more can all be seen in the 5 new screenshots that have been added to the website. Enjoy!

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